Build Your Own Quote

Build Your Quote

Shop for quotes and apply all within the application on your own time.

Information You Will Need

Before you get your Quote for either a term or permanent life insurance policy, you will need to have the following information handy: 
• Name 
• Sex
• How Healthy You think you are (1-5)? 
• How Often Do You Use Nicotine or Cannabis (Never, Previously, Currently)?
• Height and Weight? 
• Date of Birth? 
• Term or Permanent?
• Amount you need?
• Review Options and Select your Product (option to change quotes): 
   o Different Carrier    
   o Death Benefit o Payment frequency you want (Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual, Annual)
   o Payment Duration (permanent only)   
   o Cash Value
   o At Age
   o Credit Rating
   o Riders (i.e. Long-Term Care, etc.)
   o Policy Type 

Next Steps

After you get your Quote and you are ready to Apply for either a term or permanent policy, you’ll want to have the following information handy: 
• Personal information about your current and past health conditions, as well as your family’s health history. #Ugh. 
• Selecting your beneficiaries, those who will receive the payout when you die. Be sure you have their Names, Social Security numbers and dates of birth. #embarrassednotknowbyheart!
• You will probably have to answer questions about criminal convictions and driving violations such as a suspended driver’s license or DUI, particularly if they happened within the past few years. #DoubleUghBeenThereDoneThatEmbarrassed 
• Your medical records and exam - The insurer may need your consent to get medical records and ask you to take a life insurance medical exam. It sucks but it’s not that bad #pleasenofingerinmybutt. Probably not happening. Also, most insurers always check other data sources, such as the Medical Information Bureau “MIB Group” (not to be confused with MIB, Will Smith, or Tommy Lee Jones), who are a non-government agency which collects data on medical conditions, public data (like your driving record), and if (when) you do risky things for fun. 

General thoughts on being prepared for your medical exam to obtain accurate results: 
• Try and schedule exam first thing in morning (Fast 4-8 hours prior to exam)
• Limit salt and high-cholesterol foods 24 hours prior to exam• Refrain from drinking alcohol at least 24 hours prior to exam (may increase fat in blood and liver functions)
• Limit caffeine and nicotine (if you use) 24 hours prior to the exam (may increase blood pressure and cholesterol) 
• Smokers should not smoke 30 minutes prior to exam (may constrict artery walls and elevate blood pressure) 
• Drink water one hour prior to the exam 
• Get a good night sleep prior to the exam 
CONTINUE Select Quote & Apply to Get your Exam and Policy 